Ghana Christian Council United Kingdom
The name of the organisation is Ghana Christian Council United Kingdom (hereafter referred to as GCCUK).
GCCUK will function under the Auspices of the Ghana High Commission, as an independent, Primarily Christian UK-Wide Body, fostering constructive relationships among Ghanaian Faith Communities and promoting Faith and Multi-Faith involvement in its National, Religious and Civic life.
The objectives of the GCCUK are to:
Foster knowledge and understanding amongst Ghana’s Christians and its other Faith Communities, promote Ghana’s Christian Faith and Religious Culture in the Diaspora (UK).
In conjunction with the Ghana High Commission UK, Ghana Union and other front line Ghanaian Churches and agencies, offer Solidarity, ensure Inclusion, Pastoral Care and Support, engage in Crisis and Incident Intervention by offering Spiritual Support and to promote Social Cohesion.
Co-ordinate Social Action, Educational, Cultural Transition/ Integration of Ghanaians and their Wellbeing in UK and collaborate with the Ghana High Commission, Ghana Union, other Ghanaian Agencies and Faith Groups.
Work with the Ghana High Commission, GhanaUnion and other National and Local Strategic Partners and Public Bodies in UK for the benefit of the whole Ghanaian community in the Diaspora.
Function as a Resource and Referral Body for Ghanaians and other Nationals, Faith Groups and Communities.
Organise National Celebrations, Church Services and Key Events to represent Ghana in the Diaspora.(UK)
4.1 This includes all Ghanaian Christian Faith Organisations and other Faith-based groups operating in United Kingdom that agree with the aim and objectives of GCCUK. Each of these corporate members including those who subscribe to the Constitution as Associate Members will designate in writing a representative to act in its name within GCCUK.
In addition, those individuals living, or working and/or associated with Ghana who agree with the aim and objectives of the Organisation and wish to participate as members may do so as honorary members by merit.
4.1 Vetting- Yardstick will be what Constitution says. Those entering by merit will have to fit in with our beliefs.
4.2 The Management Committee can withhold membership where it deems this desirable in the interests of Ghana and GCCUK. The decision is subject to an Appeal process.
4.3 The membership fee and membership terms for Ghanaian Agencies, Faith Bodies and Organizations and Individuals will be determined by the Management Committee and agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of GCCUK. The subscription may be waived for particular categories of members and those that GCCUK wishes to honour as Associates with complimentary membership.
4.4 Ghanaian Faith Groups, Organisations and individuals are expected to abide by the terms of the Code of Conduct and to pay the membership dues as required.
4.5 A Code of Conduct and Membership criteria will be formulated.
(a) The Management Committee (MC) will act in an executive role between AGMs.
(b) The MC shall be not more than 18 people and not fewer than 12.
(c) The MC shall include the Chair, Secretary and the Treasurer, elected at the AGM, and such other officers as the committee wishes to appoint from amongst its other elected members. Office bearers have 2 terms of 5 years, and are eligible for one more term.
(d) Up to 5 persons with special expertise and contacts may be co-opted by the MC for a specific period as needed.
(e) Should a position on the MC become vacant during the year, the committee may appoint a replacement until the next AGM.
(f) In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, the Committee members may appoint a Chair.
(g) The MC shall meet 4 times a year.
(h) MC meetings are quorate when 6 elected members are present.
(i) The MC can appoint sub-committees to assist it in its work. These may include members of the committee and others not on the MC.
The Treasurer shall maintain a bank or building society account, in the name of Ghana Christian Council United Kingdom, as approved by the MC and provide the committee with quarterly financial updates. The annual accounts must be audited, approved by the MC and be presented to the AGM. The financial year will commence in April. The Organisation will generate funding from donations, subscriptions, grants and legacies.
7.1 The AGM shall be held within six months from the end of GCCUK's financial year. Advance Public notice, in writing, of at least 21 days must be given.
7.2 Nominations for election to the MC must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM. Those nominated may hold individual membership or may be representatives of a corporate member.
7.3 Each subscribing member must have a minimum of 3 delegates to the AGM, but only one vote.
7.4 Any member wishing to submit a resolution to the AGM must do so, in writing, at least 14 days before the AGM.
7.5 The AGM will be chaired by the Chair of the MC and require the attendance of 20 members to be quorate.
7.6 The AGM’s role is to:
(a) Elect the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and other members of the MC.
(b) Approve GCCUK’s Annual Accounts/budget
(c) Agree to any changes in the rate of annual subscription; and review, when necessary, the classification of members.
(d) Receive GCCUK’s Annual Report from the MC.
(e) Receive the MC’s broad plan of activities for GCCUK over the coming year(s) and discuss suggestions from the meeting.
(f) Consider resolutions submitted by members.
(g) Amend the Constitution (see 9 below) and Standing Orders.
The MC or a quarter of the members can call an extraordinary general meeting, which will conduct only the business for which it is called. As with the AGM, a quorum of 1/3 of members is needed and 21 days’ advance notice.
Any changes to the constitution can be made at the AGM or an EGM, provided 21 days advance notice in writing, of the proposed changes, has been given to the Secretary. The changes must be agreed by a majority of those present.
GCCUK can be dissolved by two thirds of the members present at an EGM called for this purpose after consultation and agreement with the Ghana High Commissioner/his representative. Any funds will be passed over to the High Commissioner’s custody until appropriate further use is determined as agreed by the EGM.